How I helped my client go from rock bottom confidence to excited & empowered about her future

When my client came to me, she was transitioning to a new career, ready to leave her demanding job, planning for a family, and her marriage was on the rocks.

On the inside, this had cost her her confidence, she had completely lost trust in her own judgment and ability to make decisions, and was struggling with decision paralysis. So it’s no surprise that she was exhausted all of the time.

She didn’t have much time for fun and exercise when she did have the time, she was too exhausted to do the things she wanted to do - which she felt was impacting her mental health and confidence even more.

As with many of my clients, she had hit her “I’m done” moment. After on-and-off burnout for years, she knew things had to change.

Over 3 months we worked on building her confidence in all areas of her life and putting HERSELF first.

Here’s what happened >>>

We identified what was triggering her low-confidence & began asking the question, “what would confident me do?” And she learned that confidence is built through action, not by waiting on the sidelines for it to land in your lap. As a result, she was able to find the joy in her job again, she gained new opportunities in her role and a better/bigger profile in the business.

She finally shifted out of her pattern of always being busy, and de-prioritising rest, exercise and social activities - so she started making time for FUN again, including going on climbing trips & joining local hiking groups.

She stopped putting so much pressure on herself to do everything all at once. She took the time to nurture herself after her eventual breakup, and chose to redistribute how she spends her time on her side gig - only committing to projects she’s really truly excited about. She told me at the end of our work together, “Success doesn’t have to mean running myself into the ground anymore.”

“I started working with Simone at a time of huge life upheaval and couldn't be more grateful for the support I received during this time. I started this process at a point in life where I felt I had completely lost trust my own decision making ability. And had through years of a tough job and relationship lost a lot of confidence. I was also in a cycle of burnout that had been on and off for years. I feel much more confident in myself and my own abilities and decision making again. And I also have tools to bolster this/lean on if I feel this start to falter. I have also learnt that I can make change and achieve goals in ways that are more manageable, at a better pace and help me avoid burnout. Simone helped me re-find my confidence, build trust in myself and develop a sense of excitement about the future. I thoroughly enjoyed working together and will certainly be back in the future. Her calming manner and insightful observations are invaluable, and I thoroughly recommend getting in touch if you are going through or want to instigate change in your life.” — Ellie

Want to learn the same strategies and tools to rebuild your own confidence?

> Sign up for my free masterclass, Build Unshakeable Confidence on October 1st where I’ll teach you how to build unshakeable confidence so that you can start feeling lighter, brighter, and start going after what you really want. It’s actually easier than you think, but don’t worry, I’m going to walk you through my process step-by-step!

> And join the Confidence Catalyst Course!


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