Build Unshakeable Confidence

Claim Your Inner Power & Become Unstoppable

October 1st at 6pm BST / 7pm CEST Online

In this FREE 1-hour masterclass I’ll teach you how to build unshakeable confidence so that you can start feeling lighter, brighter, and start going after what you really want. It’s actually easier than you think, but don’t worry, I’m going to walk you through my process step-by-step!

When you lack confidence you might find yourself doubting literally EVERYTHING, from…

  • Your decisions and choices, second-guessing yourself

  • Your appearance, worrying about how others perceive you

  • Your intelligence, questioning if you're smart enough or worrying you’ll be exposed as inadequate or a fraud

  • Your potential, doubting if you can ever achieve your dreams

  • Your uniqueness, feeling like you don't stand out or bring anything special

  • Your ability to handle challenges, thinking you might not have what it takes or that you’ll fail

  • Your relationships, fearing that you don't deserve the love or respect of others

  • Your future, worrying that you won't succeed or find happiness

  • Your creativity, questioning whether your ideas are good enough

  • Your boundaries, feeling guilty for setting them or struggling to enforce them

  • Your intuition, doubting your gut feelings or instincts

  • Your worthiness of self-care, thinking you don’t deserve time or attention for yourself

  • Your voice, feeling hesitant to speak up or share your opinions

Ok, you get the picture. Broken confidence can affect every aspect of your life. Can you relate to any of the above?

Safe to say, this lack of confidence makes you feel like crap about yourself.

And if that isn’t a good enough reason to work on growing your confidence muscle, it fundamentally STOPS you from dreaming big and claiming the life you want to live.

If you're ready to start feeling amazing, claim your power and unshakeable self belief, you need a new strategy.

For a second I want you to imagine what your life would be like if you had unshakeable confidence. Would you…

  • Go all in on the career of your dreams?

  • Ask for that pay raise or increase your prices?

  • Speak (and hold) your boundaries powerfully at work and in your personal relationships?

  • Fulfil your dream of moving to a new country or taking a big solo-trip?

  • Go to events on your own and walk up to strangers?

  • Break up with someone you know isn’t right for you knowing you deserve better?

What would it ACTUALLY mean for you?

If you’re anything like me, you don’t want to be confident so that you can be the centre of attention. You want to be more confident so that you can enjoy a full, beautiful life.

Whatever having greater confidence would mean to you, I’m here to tell you that this is 100% possible.

And I know, because I’ve been on my own confidence journey and done all of the above. And I’ve helped my clients overcome their own doubts to start new business ventures, find the romantic relationship of their dreams, and secure opportunities they thought they’d never get.

I’m not going to promise you the magic solution to never experiencing doubt again because that would be a lie (you are human after all…). But I am going to teach you how to build your inner confidence and face your doubts head-on so they don’t continue keeping you from living your best life.

What I will promise you is that it will be worth it. Because your dreams matter, and I know you want to make the most out of this life. Some of the BEST and most rewarding parts of your life are yet to come. And if you’ve read this far and this is resonating, I know that you have incredible potential that you are ready to unleash.

Join me for this free 1-hour masterclass ‘Build Unshakeable Confidence’ and learn exactly what to do to overcome the doubts holding you back from the life you truly want.

I’m ready to claim my inner power

Sign up to receive the link to join the masterclass live on October 1st. A recording will be made available for a limited time afterwards.

You will learn

  • Exactly how doubt is holding you back

    I’ll share the key mistakes most people make when faced with doubt (that keeps them stuck in the cycle of wishing, wanting and disappointment)

  • Identify your untapped potential

    What might ACTUALLY become possible if you were able to claim your inner power and move through your life with true confidence?

  • Understand How Confidence is Built

    I've done the hard work for you in creating the Confidence Catalyst, a method for building confidence, grounded in both science and spirituality.

  • 3 ways to face & conquer your doubts head on

    Together we'll explore 3 aspects of this method so that you can start cultivating your confidence right away!

How would your life look different if doubt wasn't holding you back?

Let’s find out.

Meet Your Host

Hi, I’m Simone! A mindset coach, speaker, yoga teacher and retreat leader. And I’m on a mission to empower you to take charge of your life and overcome the doubts and fears stopping you from living your dreams.

I’m sick of seeing women play small because they think they aren’t good enough, are constantly comparing themselves to others, and afraid to speak up.

I’ve gone on my own confidence journey, that’s taken me through the trenches of changing careers, learning to speak confidently in front of hundreds of people, walking away from relationships that didn’t serve me, and moving to a new country where I knew nobody. And I can tell you wholeheartedly that some of the most rewarding parts of my life are thanks to my resilience and willingness to claim my confidence and believe in myself wholeheartedly. I know it isn’t easy, so I’m here to help you on the journey.