How to overcome your fear of public speaking
When I became a yoga teacher 7 years ago I hated public speaking so much that I waited two years before I started teaching professionally. When I finally did start teaching (a small group at my ex-boyfriend’s office lol) I would over-prepare and sleep terribly the night before. I was super self-conscious. I would freeze and forget what I wanted to say, feeling my face burn up red.
The scary thing was I knew I was exposing myself to judgment. I thought people would realise when I spoke just how stupid I was and that I shouldn’t be up there. But I knew that teaching yoga was part of my dharma and that it mattered more than my fear of humiliation and judgment. And I was determined to overcome it.
Most people who are afraid of public speaking think “Other people are just naturally good at it, that’s just not me,” or “I don’t need or like to have the attention on me.”
Maybe being able to speak in front of a crowd isn’t a relevant goal in your life, but I bet that speaking your ideas in a career-changing meeting, being vulnerable with someone you’re dating, pitching yourself to a new client, or sharing your art with the world is.
And it’s really all the same. It’s letting yourself be seen and vulnerably opening yourself up - both to temporary humiliation and to all of your dreams come true.
And if you don’t want a successful business that you’re obsessed with, that relationship you’ve always dreamed about, or a community of people who’ve got your back and love you for who you are, go ahead and stop reading! But if you do, I know you don’t want to keep watching opportunities pass you by, seeing other people live your dreams while you sit on the sidelines. I know there’s at least a part of you that believes you can have it all & you want to experience all life has to offer.
Me too. Which is exactly why when my fear was telling me to hide under the covers, I chose to keep showing up anyway, to keep teaching, to start giving corporate workshops at big companies, to start leading retreats. To start owning my role as a leader. And to start leading my own life 🌅
I realised that I didn’t have to be perfect. If I spoke and the words didn’t come out exactly how I had planned them in my head, it wouldn’t matter. The world wouldn’t end. And everyone would forget about it eventually anyway. And let’s face it - I am always judging myself more harshly than anybody else is.
When you trust yourself and allow yourself to be present, you can channel what you want to say. You don’t need to be so in your head and you can respond in the moment. Imperfect action is better than sitting on the sidelines and waiting for life to happen for you 💡
🦋 But I know all this is just the beginning.
So if you want me to help you like I’ve helped myself, my clients and my students to step into the spotlight, be seen and speak your truth, I’m here to coach you. I don’t see why 2025 can’t be the year things change. Can you?
P.S. You have until the end of November to enjoy a discount on coaching packages but spots are limited! Apply here and get in quick! 💥💥
xo Simone 💗
P.S. You can read some of my client testimonials over here! 👀