My Story
Just before I went to India to take my first yoga teacher training in 2017, I was stuck, depressed, and feeling disempowered. I desperately desired to take control of my life but lacked the tools to navigate my struggle. My family didn’t understand (at first), and although I sought support and began therapy for the first time, I didn’t find it very helpful.
My self-worth was deeply entwined with achievement and despite my best efforts I wasn’t experiencing the success I was told my hard work would bring. At the time I was applying for competitive, poorly paid jobs in the art world.
I grew up in a household guided by strong traditional values, and as a child I didn’t feel my voice was valued. I found myself as an adult questioning myself often and seeking external praise to feel reassured that I was on the right path.
Though I didn’t realise it at the time, I was perpetually stuck in the feeling that I wasn’t enough. I hadn’t received good enough grades (despite being a top student at school), I wasn’t thin enough (despite obsessively restricting my food), and I turned to perfectionism to try to cover up my (perceived) shortcomings.
I was deeply stuck in a scarcity mindset.
As many of us do, I see my life in chapters. At this time, I had already been practicing yoga and I knew it had more to teach me. So I chose to go to Rishikesh, as there could be no better place to study yoga than its birthplace. This was a major turning point for me – a new chapter where my healing journey truly began.
When I began to study yoga philosophy, I was relieved to discover a new way of seeing the world and tackling life’s challenges; one that was more gentle, kind, and compassionate than the one I had been raised with, one that resonated deeply with my soul.
It provided me a much-needed outlet for self reflection, which enabled me to start observing unhelpful patterns in my thoughts and behaviours.
It taught me to be more compassionate towards myself, my family, friends, strangers, all living beings, and the planet.
It taught me to loosen my attachment to my achievements and to outcomes – whilst simultaneously continuing to strive to be better.
It taught me that nothing in this life is black or white, but grey.
It gives me direction and helps me align to my true north.
It led me to feeling empowered to take control of my thoughts, actions and life, and make what I want of it.
If any of my struggle resonates with where you are right now, I’m here to tell you that this place that you are in is temporary.
I’m here to tell you that you are enough.
To lift you up and remind you of your value when you’ve lost sight of it.
To help you strive for goals but not let them control your inner peace.
To support you to listen to your intuition, recognise the value of your ideas, and be heard.
I am here to help you see things differently and tap into the infinite possibilities available to you – always, but most importantly when you feel stuck.
To keep you accountable, even when you don’t feel like it. Because nobody is meant to do hard things alone.
To encourage you and cheer you on when you’re afraid to step out of your comfort zone.
To teach you that what you focus on grows, and that your past and current experience does not dictate your future.
Why do I do this? Because I get where you are. I really do get it, even if our stories aren’t quite the same. One of my gifts is that I am an empath. I am able to hold space for you, see and hear you, without judgement.
And I pull from my different areas of expertise to give you what you need on that day and in that moment.
· I make yoga – the concepts and principles that have radically helped my own personal growth – accessible to you too, so that you may benefit from the practical wisdom it has to offer.
· I teach you to establish a practice of writing that will enable you to process and make peace with triggers that show up in your day to day, so that you may always be reflecting and learning about yourself, and so that you feel you have a tool you can lean on when things feel heavy. If affirmations are a tool that resonate with you, we can also create affirmations that bring you back to your highest self.
· I guide you too to go beyond your story and work with your emotions and body in our sessions, as there is so much wisdom that we can miss when we only focus on language.
· I teach you to listen to your body and in turn hear and respond to your intuition more clearly.
· I invite you to use movement as a tool for shifting your energy and creating new possibilities for action.
· And I teach you practices such as breathwork to support your nervous system to ground and hold the heavy emotions and change that can arise through this work.
I truly believe the world would be a better place with you shining your light, the brightest it can be. When you do, you will not only feel good and aligned with your soul, but you will do great things in the world. You will bring light to the people around you and the positive knock-on effect you make will be immeasurable.
I believe that when you begin to see your worth, your energy changes, your actions change, your results change, and you start to attract more of what you desire into your life.