How to glean the learnings from your 2022

Your Step-By-Step Year End Review

It's been another hell of a year. (Does anyone ever get to the end of the year and not feel that way? Seriously, please tell me.)

As we wind down the year, I always like to reflect on the year past. So I want to share with you some questions I've been pondering as I look back on my 2022.

Journalling Prompts - A Year-End Review

1. If you set goals at the start of the year, take a look back at your list now. Which goals did you hit? Which ones did you not?


2. What accomplishments or significant action did you take this year that you are proud of?


3. What had you hoped you would achieve this year that didn't materialise? Why?


4. What's really going well in your life right now? 


5. What's kind of going alright in your life right now? 


6. What's not working at all in your life right now?


Are you reflecting on any other powerful questions? I'd love to hear what you're thinking about as you round off your year. 

Once you've reflected on the past year, it's time to create your vision for the year ahead. If you missed my last email or haven't done it yet, scroll down to the bottom of this message for a reminder of the prompts!


First thing's first, I like to use a life assessment wheel to get a visual sense of what areas of life could most do with improvement. As a complex human, all areas of your life are important, so if you notice you have a tendency to put all of your energy into one or two areas at the cost of the others, you might want to consider distributing that energy more widely in 2023.


Here's how it works. 


1. You can either print out the wheel below or draw your own on a sheet of paper. Feel free to interpret or modify the category titles so that they resonate with you. 


2. Give yourself a numerical score for each area of your life: 1 = poor and 10 = excellent. 


3. Then, using a different colour for each category, shade in the chart up to the number score you've given that category.


This should be easy after having done the journalling prompts, and you'll end up with a really clear visual of which areas in your life are doing well, and which areas could do with some extra love and attention going forwards. Whatever comes out of this exercise, try not to judge. Look at this as giving you clarity and awareness of where you can grow. 

There are many different variations of this wheel out there. I like this one from Positive Psychology.

Next Steps


Imagine for a moment that you couldn't fail. Put to the side all of the judgement and limiting beliefs you have so that you can allow yourself to connect with what you really want (whether or not you believe it's possible or how you would do it yet).


1. Where would you like to be a year from now? Where are you physically? Who's around you? How do you feel? Is there something that your soul is aching for that you'd like to bring into your life?


2. Look at the areas of your life that you've given lower scores to. What isn't working? What would need to be different for you to bump that score up to a 10?


Now you know where to begin. ❤️ 


Stay tuned for more on how to turn your vision into tangible goals and what not to do when crafting your new years resolutions. 

If you already know you want some personalised support, check out the ways to work with me as your coach here.


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