Free class
The secret to meeting your goals
Learn how to methodically tackle any goal and access your limitless potential - no matter your track record.
Do you…
Set resolutions/goals/intentions periodically but struggle to see them through?
Are there goals you dream about reaching “one day” but you have no clue how you’ll get there?
Are you unsure of what action to take?
Do you have big dreams but avoid setting goals because they feel wishy-washy and too hard to stick to?
Do you lose motivation and forget about them?
If you’ve answered yes to one of the above, this workshop is going to unlock some serious clarity for you.
This free virtual class will teach you how to set goals that you can and will keep. No more feeling disheartened because you didn’t hit your New Years Resolutions again. No more feeling like your goals are totally out of reach.
Expect to leave feeling confident, inspired and motivated to bring your goals to life.
Think about it. What goals would FEEL SO GOOD to reach in 2023? It’s time to get started.
I’ll teach you
How to identify what's blocking you from your goals
As a mindset coach, I see clients making many of the same critical mistakes. I’ll teach you what they are and how to stop making them. Your mindset is your foundation for success.
How to design effective goals
Learn tried and tested strategies drawn from coaching, human behaviour theory and neural manifestation. I’ll share with you a step-by-step process for setting goals in a way that make it easy for you to keep them.
The 5 secret steps to follow to ensure you follow through and take action
And never fall into the disheartening cycle of setting failed goals ever again!
There are 3 months left of the year! If you could make anything happen over the next 3 months what would it be?
There are 3 months left of the year! If you could make anything happen over the next 3 months what would it be? 〰️
Your Host
Hey, I’m Simone. A life and mindset coach on a mission to empower you to take charge of your life, step through old fears, and overcome your struggles, so that you can create the life you desire. The result? More success, life satisfaction and inner peace.
As a former “bad” goal-setter, I know what it’s like to have big dreams but struggle to take action and follow through. In this workshop I’ll share with you all of the essential strategies you need to start setting goals you know you can keep. Once you nail down this process, the sky’s the limit!
“If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.”
— Jack Canfield
Make your goals your reality.
Because you can. And I’m here to give you everything you need to succeed. So why not give it a shot?
“Simone was insightful, incisive and supportive from the start. She gently challenged some of my long-held beliefs about myself, and she enabled me to see that some self beliefs I held were neither helpful nor motivating for change. She encouraged me to reflect upon the progress I had made each week, celebrated it with me and helped me to set goals/tasks for the week to come which were achievable… I learned and relearned a lot about myself and the way I approach things. I am very grateful to Simone for all her help and encouragement and would wholeheartedly recommend her as a Life Coach, no matter what issues require support!
- Christina, London