Conquer Your Fear
(& Go After What You Really Want)
In this FREE 1-hour masterclass I’ll teach you how to stop letting fear hold you back so that you can start going after what you really want and demanding what you’re worth.
I speak to a lot of clients who are overrun by fear.
The fear of judgment from others
The fear that they don’t have sufficient knowledge or skills
The fear that others won’t like them
The fear of failure and looking stupid
And this fear leads them to…
Procrastinate and stay stuck
Say no to opportunities that deep down they really want
Feel like they always have to prove themselves (which is exhausting!)
Feel frustrated or misunderstood
Overanalyse what people think of them
Let their boundaries slide to avoid potential backlash/judgment of others
Play SMALL, thinking it’s best to stay in their lane
Can you relate?
If you're ready to start going after what you want (and getting it of course), you need a new strategy.
For a second I want you to imagine what your life would be like if you WEREN’T letting fear hold you back so much? Would you…
Go after the career of your dreams?
Ask for that pay raise or increase your prices?
Hold your boundaries at work and in personal relationships?
Fulfil your dream of moving to a new country or taking a big solo-trip?
Go to events on your own?
Break up with someone you know isn’t right for you?
I know, scary.
But it’s 100% possible.
And I know, because I’ve done all of the above. And I’ve helped my clients overcome their own fears to start new business ventures, find the romantic relationship of their dreams, and secure opportunities they thought they’d never get.
I’m not going to promise you the magic solution to never experiencing fear again because that would be a lie. But I am going to teach you how to build resilience and face your fears head-on so it doesn’t continue keeping you from living your best life.
What I will promise you is that it will be worth it. Because some of the BEST and most rewarding parts of your life lie on the other side of you stepping through your fear. And if you’ve read this far and this is resonating, I know that you have incredible potential that fear is keeping you from manifesting the life you want.
Join me for this free 1-hour masterclass ‘Conquer Fear and Go After What You Want’ and learn exactly what to do to stop letting fear hold you back from going after what you truly want in life.
I’m done letting fear hold me back
Watch the masterclass whenever, wherever you like.
You will learn
Exactly how fear is holding you back
I’ll share the key mistakes most people make when faced with fear (that keeps them stuck in the cycle of wishing, wanting and disappointment)
Identify your untapped potential
What might ACTUALLY become possible if you were to stop letting fear lead the way?
3 ways to face & conquer your fears, whatever they may be
So that you can start a new chapter of life where you start GOING for (and getting) what you want

Hi, I’m Simone
A confidence coach, speaker, yoga teacher and retreat leader. And I’m on a mission to empower you to take charge of your life and overcome the fears stopping you from living your dreams.
I’m sick of seeing women play small because they’re crippled by fear, think they aren’t good enough, and are constantly comparing themselves to others.
I’ve faced plenty of my own fears, like starting over, changing careers, public speaking, ending a relationship, and moving to a new country where I knew nobody. And I can tell you wholeheartedly that some of the most rewarding parts of my life are thanks to my resilience and willingness to conquer my fears. I’m here to help you do the same.