If you are your biggest critic, you need to read this
You don’t have to be…
perfect before you start putting yourself out there
be so hard on yourself for making an error in judgment
speak to yourself more harshly than you ever would to someone you love
You don’t have to be perfect to believe that you are worthy of your dreams.
I had a call today with a woman who shared that much of her overthinking comes down to negative self talk, beating herself up for failing, and thinking that she isn’t deserving of the career path she wants because she isn’t qualified enough yet.
She literally said to me, “I’m not someone who deserves to work in this field because I’m not perfect.”
Rationally, she knew it was an illogical thing to say.
But the voice of her inner critic has been so loud for so long, that it had until now been keeping her from even admitting her dream out loud.
And it’s kept her from taking the necessary action to bring her dream to life.
I see this happen SO often with the women that I speak to. They play down their gifts and they let themselves believe that they have nothing to give - when as an outsider it’s apparent that this couldn’t be further from the truth. They think that if they were perfect, or even just better than they are right now, THEN they might be worthy. So they don’t chase their dreams & they don’t go after what they want.
What if you gave yourself a break and ACTUALLY accepted the fact that you are a flawed human who will make mistakes?
What would happen if you allowed yourself the space to be imperfect?
And what if instead of being your biggest critic, you talked to yourself the way you would to someone you love?
What then? ✨