Simone Topel - Life Coach & Yoga Teacher

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Why bother setting goals?

Why bother setting goals?

It’s pretty easy to get discouraged.

Although 8/10 millenials set new years resolutions, 7/10 over 65s think it's a waste of time. The greater number of setbacks we experience, the less likely we are to believe that change is possible.

They say an old dog can't learn new tricks, but this certainly does not apply to humans. Neuroplasticity is our brains’ ability to change and mould as a result of our experiences. Through action we can create new neural pathways in our brain - throughout our lifetimes.

But many of us believe – mistakenly – that because we have done things a certain way for a long time – that’s just how we are. It’s too late.

And that’s a shame because goal-setting/striving (especially those big scary goals) has HUGE potential to be truly life-changing.

➡️ If we are ambitious and strategic about how we set our goals, we have the potential to infinitely increase our life satisfaction, achievements, and success.

➡️ We can do things we thought would never be possible for us.

➡️ We are given a huge opportunity for growth. Reaching for our goals requires us to step into our discomfort zone and challenge ourselves to new levels. As a result, we become the person capable of achieving those goals. And our self-belief grows.

You can now sign up for the Reset & Reclaim Your 2022 Goals virtual workshop.

Join us on Wednesday September 28th 2022 from 6 - 7pm BST on Zoom.

Here are some of the things you'll learn how to do in the workshop:

  • Get clear on your why

  • Understand what is blocking you from achieving all of your goals

  • Confront the fears that might lead you to procrastinate or self-sabotage

  • Set goals you will actually keep

  • Create an action plan

    If you can't make it live but still want to learn how to master goal-setting, make sure you sign up to be sent the recording afterwards.

Can’t wait to see you there!