Unpack and Rewrite Your Limiting Beliefs
Ever heard of “Limiting beliefs”? They’re beliefs that narrow the thinking and limit the potential of the person who holds them.
For example, take the belief “I’m not good at x…”, or simply, “I’m not good enough”. Whatever beliefs we hold, they lead us to make assumptions about the opportunities that we believe are available for us, and we usually choose to stay within those lines.
What we don’t always realise is that these beliefs aren’t facts. They might feel like facts, and we might mistake them for facts, but they aren’t. And when you take the time to think about it, you can often trace back to when you first started to see yourself in that way. Perhaps someone told you you weren’t good at something and you internalised that belief.
The more you unpack the belief, the more you start to release yourself from the story that that’s “just the way you are”. And you get to construct a new identity that supports you to go after the life you want.
To help you with this, I’ve created a free step-by-step guide that will help you to identify, unpack and rewrite some of your most significant limiting beliefs.
I hope it opens your eyes as much as it has opened mine 💗
If you’re curious to learn more about how to identify unhelpful beliefs, check out this free resource I’ve created here.