The Real Reason Why I Work With Women

I grew up thinking that men and women were just different. 


Eventually, I realised that as women we’ve been socialised to be that way - to be accommodating, to put everyone else first, to not think or speak too highly of yourself, and to attach your self worth to your appearance.


Yes, women may biologically be nurturers. Yes, there are biological differences that influence us, and no, not everyone is the same! 


But I want to talk about the very real conditioning that doesn’t serve us well when we’re trying to get ahead in a world designed by men for men.


The more I realised just how problematic this is and just how pervasive it is - the more angry it made me - and the more it fuelled my desire to work with women.


I can remember the conversations with my friends shying away from conversations about pay raises. Because we were taught to be grateful for what we have and not demanding. (The other day I read that men are FOUR TIMES more likely to ask for a pay rise, and when they ask it's typically 30% less than their male counterparts. Yikes.)


I can remember seeing women bashed in the media, and by people I know for simply being assertive - or not taken seriously because they weren’t assertive enough or were “too emotional”. Because unfortunately, there are double standards.


I remember being so angry when I realised that I had wasted so much energy over 10 years worrying about every calorie I put into my body - time and energy that could have been spent on something, I don't know…useful! All because the world I grew up in drilled sexist beauty standards into me.


I remember realising that although my dad lovingly told me about the importance about managing my finances, I grew up in a very traditional household where I never saw a woman do it and I've had to learn this as an adult. Because you learn what you see.


And I remember countless conversations with my male friends that made me realise just how differently they were conditioned and how it helped them get ahead.


I bet you resonate with some (possibly all!) of these scenarios and I bet you have your own stories that you could share.


This is why I choose to work with women. It’s not that I don't care about other genders' problems. It’s just that this is what fires me up and I know I can help


Without realising it - without choosing it, we have adopted many beliefs and habits that keep us small.


But you don’t have to keep playing by rules that don’t serve you. 


You can learn to speak up and be more assertive. 

You can learn to put yourself first. 

You can learn to ask for what you want. 

You can learn to listen to your needs and speak our boundaries. 

You can learn to put yourself out there.

You can learn to be more confident and your biggest advocate. 

And you can learn to value your feminine qualities - because although the world may tell you otherwise, they are a superpower.


This is exactly what I do with my clients. And through our work they've been able to:

  • Leave relationships that were no longer serving them

  • Establish the relationship of their dreams

  • Start owning their expertise and step into the next level of their career

  • Create more time to spend with their kids

  • Put themselves out there and make new friends and community

It's officially May. Spring is here and you might be feeling like it's time to step out of your winter shell and bloom. I'm enrolling a couple of new clients this month and am taking discovery calls over the next 7 days!

If you want one of these spots, book your free discovery call here. Before the call, I'll send you some questions to help you get clarity, and on the call we'll set up a game plan.


How I helped my client level up her money mindset & her business while also freeing up her time


How I helped my client break old patterns and manifest a relationship that’s “too good to be true”