Simone Topel - Life Coach & Yoga Teacher

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Working on your confidence? You need to read this

I know that confidence is a huge and tricky issue for many of you. In our first group coaching call the other week, we just barely began to scratch the surface.


I was listening to a podcast episode the other day with high performance coach Brendon Burchard on the subject of confidence and he raised a few points I thought you might find valuable and get you thinking.


  1. You don’t need to achieve perfection to be or feel confident. Read that again. Sometimes we confuse the two and think we can only feel confident when we are perfectly prepared/ready. In our call the other week we talked about how it’s helpful to view confidence as self-belief rather than an absence of doubt. Brendon similarly says confidence is not about what you know but in your belief that you can figure things out. We all experience doubts and insecurities and the aim is not to eliminate them. This should make your goal of gaining confidence feel a little more realistic!

  2. We often (though not always) procrastinate when we don’t know how to do something, or we don’t feel competent or capable. The longer you procrastinate with what you want to do, the lower your confidence goes.Where are you procrastinating right now?

  3. Make small changes and integrate them into your identity. It is each small action and baby step of progress that takes us to the future we desire. We gain confidence when we take action, and when we stop to acknowledge our actions and progress, we are able to INTEGRATE this confidence. In other words, we are able to believe and feel that confidence in our bodies. When we skip past this part, it is too easy to dismiss how much we have achieved and stay in the belief that we are unskilled/unexperienced or somehow lacking. When we acknowledge our progress, we assume a higher level of confidence.

If you’re interested, here’s the podcast episode.




If you’re feeling STUCK, dissatisfied, stagnant or unfulfilled, make sure to join me at next week’s group coaching session.


We’ll be covering all things PERFECTIONISM. I'll be tweaking the format of the session to create a little more space for us to break the ice and give more time for coaching.


If you’re going to join, make sure you SIGN UP to receive the journalling prompts you'll need to get your head in the game for the call. I know your time is precious so I want every person who joins to get maximum value out of the call.