Simone Topel - Life Coach & Yoga Teacher

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How I helped my client level up her money mindset & her business while also freeing up her time

When my client came to me, she was worried about money, inconsistent income and told me she felt trapped by her job.


She was also neglecting her self care and hobbies because she was giving everything to her clients, kids, family - basically, everyone but herself.


She could see her colleagues excelling in their chosen specialisms, making more money than her, and with more free time. 


Even though she loved her job, she felt like there was no way out. She knew she couldn't continue this way and something had to change.


But despite nearly 20 years of experience, she still felt like an imposter, thinking she wasn’t good enough to call herself a specialist of anything. In one of our calls she straight up told me that she didn’t believe she had anything to offer.


And she could see that she was self-sabotaging and avoiding doing what she needed to do because she was afraid to fail at new ventures.


Over 3 months we worked on money mindset, imposter syndrome and boundaries and she started to own her expertise.


She started charging more, saying no to clients that couldn’t commit to her desired terms and prices, and created more consistent income. She has totally reframed how she thinks about money.

She’s chosen a specialism that she’s genuinely excited to claim, found her dream supervisor and started creating a new scalable offer (all things she never considered possible before!)


AND she started prioritising looking after herself. She reconnected to her creative writing and yoga practices, even taking baths in the middle of the day!


Want to stop feeling like an imposter, level up your money mindset or maybe just finally start prioritising yourself?


I have the capacity to support just two new clients this month. 


If you’re interested in taking one of these spots, book your free discovery call here.