Celebrating Your Progress - More Than An Ego-Boost
It wasn’t long ago that I realised that I had no real practice of celebrating my achievements. I often took them for granted as necessary steps I needed to take in the direction I wanted to go. The idea of celebrating my successes (especially the smaller ones) felt boastful, and unnecessary. As soon as I hit one target, I had already zoomed onto the next one.
What I know now is that the practice of acknowledging + celebrating our successes is actually really valuable! Why?
Stopping to acknowledge your achievements gives you a sense of your progress. It encourages you to notice where you started and how you have grown – perspective that can be hard to see when you’re constantly on the go, jumping from one task to the next.
Letting yourself feel a sense of achievement boosts your mood, and gives you motivation and confidence to continue on your path.
After all, what’s the point of doing all of these things if we aren’t going to allow ourselves the joy of attaining them??
It’s important to note that you can practice this with anything – you don’t need to wait for your next big job promotion to start. Make it a practice to write down your achievements at the end of the week, or even at the end of your day. Remember that your achievements are your own. The purpose is to highlight what you HAVE done. Many of us already spend plenty of time focusing on what we haven’t.
I’d love to know, how do you celebrate your wins? Are there any rituals that you have? Send me a message on Instagram and let me know what works for you!
Image taken by the wonderful Jen Armstrong.